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Instagram Automation for Beginners in 2023

Instagram Automation for Beginners

Are you getting overwhelmed doing different tasks on Instagram besides your busy work schedule? Read on to learn more about Instagram automation for beginners.

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms recently, with over 1 billion users. The platform is immensely popular among businesses because it offers an excellent opportunity for promoting their products and services.

However, many people struggle to find the right way to use Instagram for marketing purposes. This is where automation comes into play!

What is Instagram Automation

Instagram Automation

Instagram automation is a way to schedule and carry out different tasks on the platform using third-party software without a human actively doing the tasks. These tasks range from scheduling posts, commenting, liking other people’s accounts, and sending DMs to new followers, among many others.

So the automation is done by bots that you’ll have running on your account. However, it is not any bot that will necessarily guarantee you all automation features; the bots differ from one to another, so the actual automation you can have effected on your account is based on the type of bot you choose.

The Instagram automation tools can be categorized into two different types:

  • Tools that will handle your profile interactions, such as liking and commenting.
  • Tools that sort out issues without necessitating announcing their presence. Such tools handle reporting, analytics, and publishing tasks, among many others.

However, despite the countless benefits that come with automation tools, Instagram has been fighting inauthentic activity on its platform for a while. They have different set rules meant to locate and stop automation tools from violating their best practices.

If you are an avid Instagram user, chances are that you may be aware or may have encountered Instagram automation bot activities in your comments. From spam commenting, mysterious views, and bulk followers that unaccountably disappear, all describe Instagram bot activities. That’s why Instagram management considers the automation tools risky or spammy.

Pros and Cons of Instagram Automation

While there are plenty of benefits to using automation, including saving time and increasing engagement, there are also some downsides to consider before deciding whether or not it’s right for your brand.

Here are some of the pros and cons that you need to know about automation:

  • Automation can help you save time by scheduling posts at optimal times. You can also schedule multiple posts at once, which saves on effort.
  • Automation helps you get more followers and increase engagement with your existing audience.
  • It helps know important insights about your audience. This can help you tailor your content to suit your audience’s needs and interests better.
  • Helps with consistency (if done properly) – The biggest benefit of automation is that it helps keep your posts consistent. For example, if you have a content calendar or plan in mind, then you can use this to post photos at specific times throughout the day or week.
  • If you’re not careful, automation can become spammy, leading to people unfollowing your account or even reporting it as spammy or abusive.
  • Automated posting can result in poor engagement if your audience doesn’t know that you’re not actually posting yourself. This can lead to a loss of trust and followers who want authentic content from real people with real relationships with their brands

What Can Be Done with Instagram Automation?

What Can Be Done with Instagram Automation

With Instagram automation, you can automate the following:

  • Automated Commenting 

You can use this feature to comment on other people’s photos or videos. This will help you increase engagement and get more followers on Instagram. It also allows you to add a personal touch to your marketing strategy.

  • Automated Liking 

You can use this feature to like other people’s posts so that they will see your profile when they look at their feed again. This will also improve engagement and attract new followers who are interested in your content.

  • Schedule Content 

One of the best uses of Instagram automation is to schedule content. You can create a calendar for yourself and then schedule your posts on it. This way, you don’t have to worry about posting new content at specific times, as it will be done automatically according to your created schedule.

This is also beneficial for businesses that post daily specials, such as news outlets or restaurants that need to post at regular intervals.

  • Engage with Followers 

Another great use of Instagram automation is engaging with followers. You can ask them questions or poll their opinions through automated messages sent out regularly according to the schedule set up by you. This way, you get more followers’ interaction and engagement on your posts.

  • Story Views 

Automation is a great way to increase your story views. The main reason that people don’t want to use it is that they’re afraid that it will get them banned from Instagram altogether. However, there are ways to automate your Instagram stories without getting caught by the algorithm!

  • Reporting

Reporting is a feature that lets you see how often a specific post has been viewed in real-time. This is a great way to track what posts are performing well and which ones aren’t getting any traction!

Best Instagram Automation Tools Recommend

Many Instagram automation tools are available online, but only a handful of them will help you automate your Instagram accounts effectively. These tools can help you save time and increase your productivity while working on social media marketing campaigns.

Here are some of the best Instagram automation tools that we recommend:

  • To Complete More Tasks

This is only possible when using the right automation tools. So you need to set out a clear strategy of what you need to be done, then check for the best tool that matches features of interest to you.

The best options will be using reliable Instagram bots such as Jarvee, Combin, and Socinator, although you can Google check for many others. For this to go through, you must know bots can be quite sensitive; you, therefore, need to get a good computer; advisably it’s best to get a separate computer or virtual private servers or AWS workspace that you can access from your computer.

Jarvee instagram

Plan your automation plan and get reliable proxies. These are the most important, even if you just have one Instagram account. However, they are ideal for automating several Instagram accounts.

So far, your automation is ready to set up. But before then, you have to update your profile; otherwise, you may get doubted. So as you update your profile, ensure everything is filled as necessitated; remember to use an actual phone number and email address. Of course, you want to create a legitimate face for anyone checking out your profile.

  • For Scheduled Instagram Post

Knowing the best automation tool for Scheduled posts requires you to select a content scheduler of your choice. After that, you can google check for them, though among the few best ones, you can use  Sprout Social, SocialPilot, and SocialBee. However, you are not limited to these ones; you are free to choose a bot of your choice.

Sprout Social instagram

How will you know the best tools? Check on their prices, your interested features, and their users’ experience. Once you have a perfect one for the job, connect it to your Instagram account. Here, you’ll know you have the best bot if it guides you on what to do.

Remember having a clear outline of your automation strategy will help you on what tools to select.

You also need to get Instagram proxies together with the bit you select. Again, this is because of Instagram’s strict measures on automation tools, so using a proxy will hide your Ip address, and so Instagram won’t notice the automation going on in your account.

Use Proxies to Avoid IP Ban

Proxies to Avoid IP Ban

Instagram is notorious for suspending accounts at the least provocation if its system detects the use of automated services. As a result, you need extreme vigilance to guarantee that your bots are not identified by the platform, which is where Instagram proxies come in.

The proxies will conceal your actual IP address and replace it with their own, so Instagram will not detect any of your activity, even if you have many accounts. Instagram also has a tight limitation specifying that a single IP address may only manage a maximum of five accounts; however, it is feasible to go beyond this limit using proxies.

However, the fact that you are using proxies does not mean that you may use the automation tool carelessly; you must configure it and make it seem as if it is real. This will increase the effectiveness of your IP proxies since you will only have the automation program operating at specified times rather than continuously.

However, if you allow the bot to exceed the daily limit, your proxies will be ineffective since Instagram can quickly detect unmanaged bot activity; thus, you must follow Instagram’s best practices for the proxies to function properly.

So far, residential proxies are the best proxies for your automation, and you can use residential proxies such as Soax, Smartproxy, and Shifter.


If you are an Instagram automation beginner, don’t be reluctant to use an automation tool to manage your Instagram profile. This will free up lots of time so you can spend it on creating more content or engaging with your audience.

However, it will not work without effort; you must build your Page before creating the following that allows you to use Instagram automation for real progress. You must also be keen on the time limits you allow for different automation just to avoid Instagram’s ban.


William Parsons

William Stafford Parsons is a leading expert in web data extraction and proxy services. He pioneered innovative techniques for large-scale data scraping and management over the past decade. William founded Eightomic LLC which provides customized data mining and web scraping solutions to Fortune 500 companies. He also created the popular GhostProxies residential IP network used by data professionals globally. Earlier, William co-founded - one of the first web data companies focused on gathering online data at scale. His technical expertise and entrepreneurship has been instrumental in driving innovation in data extraction and network anonymity. With over 15 years of experience, William continues to explore new methodologies and technologies to harness web data smoothly and reliably. He is renowned for building tailored systems that leverage proxies and data scraping to meet critical business needs.